Preliminary Program update
The most recent version of the Scientific Program for Rhizosphere 5
is now available on-line and as a downloadable pdf file.
Springer Nature added as sponsor of the
Student Presentation Awards
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that Springer Nature Publishing will provide each Student Presentation Award winner with a book/eBook (valued at up to EUR200) or an online journal subscription (one year subscription). The book or journal winners can choose the title of their preference from the Springer catalog at

New Theme Area
In response to a suggestion made by a member of the rhizosphere community, we have added a new theme area for abstract submissions:
Micronutrients in the rhizosphere
Abstract submissions for this theme area are now being accepted.
Marcel van der Heijden added as Keynote Speaker
The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) is pleased to announce that Marcel van der Heijden has been added as a Keynote Speaker for Rhizosphere 5. Marcel heads the Plant-Soil Interactions Group at the Swiss Federal Research Institute Agroscope (Zurich, Switzerland) and is Professor for Agro-ecology and Plant-Microbiome Interactions at the University of Zurich.
Dr. van derHeijden's talk is titled "Root Microbiome Management and Soil Ecological Engineering for a Sustainable Agriculture" and will address the topics of "microbial network complexity and rhizosphere diversity as drivers of agro-ecosystem functioning".
For more information about Dr. van der Heijden, or our other Keynote Speakers, please see the speaker bio page.
Rhizosphere 5 and the CSSS - CSAFM
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) and the Canadian Society for Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (CSAFM) will overlap with Rhizosphere 5 (July 9th through the 13th) - with sessions held on the University of Saskatchewan campus.
To enhance scientific exchange and meet new people, the LOCs of Rhizosphere 5 and the CSSS-CSAFM meeting are organizing a joint symposium that will be included in the program schedule for both conferences. The symposium will be followed by a joint reception at the Remai Modern - a new museum of modern and contemporary art in Downtown Saskatoon (about a 10 min walk from the conference venue).
Rhizosphere 5 and CSSS-CSAFM participants wishing to register for both conferences can do so at a reduced rate through the registration portal for either conference.
Applications for the Student Travel Award are no
longer being accepted

Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations has been extended to March 15th
Submission of proposals to host Rhizosphere 6:
On behalf of the Executive Oversight Committee, we are pleased to announce that proposals to host Rhizosphere 6 are now being accepted.
For more information, please download the submission requirements document:
The successful proposal will be announced at the closing of Rhizosphere 5.
Exhibitors added to Rhizosphere 5
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that Hoskin Scientific and PreSens have been added as Exhibitors. Please stop by their booths to visit and catch up on the latest in rhizosphere related instrumentation.
Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations is closed
Due to the large number of submissions, Notifications of Acceptance will be emailed out between April 1st and 3rd
Program Update:
An updated version of the preliminary program for Rhizosphere 5 can be accessed from the Scientific Program tab in the navigation bar.
The updated program includes the times for the keynote talks
and the session titles and days.
New Sponsor
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that Novozymes has been added as a
Silver level sponsor for the conference.
New Sponsor
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that the
Western Grains Research Foundation
has been added as a Bronze level sponsor for the conference.
Abstract submission and Early-bird
registration are now closed!
Two Exhibitors added to Rhizosphere 5
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that Canadian Scientific Publishing and the Fedoruk Centre for Nuclear Innovation have been added as Exhibitors. Please stop by their booths to visit.

Exhibitor added to Rhizosphere 5
Rhizosphere 5 is pleased to announce that Valent BioSciences has been added as an Exhibitor. Please stop by their booths to visit.
Rhizosphere 5 welcomes Saskatchewan
Tourism as a Diamond Sponsor
Preliminary Program has been updated
An updated version of the Preliminary Program for Rhizosphere 5 is now available on-line and as a downloadable pdf file.
Presentation Guidelines update
Technical specifications for slide presentations at Rhizosphere 5 have been
updated and are now available on-line and as a downloadable pdf file.
Final Program update
The final version of the Scientific Program and the complete Abstract Book for Rhizosphere 5 is now available on-line and as a
downloadable pdf file.
We welcome you all to Saskatoon and hope that you enjoy the conference and our city!